The Desert Eichlers: Updated for Modern Lifestyles
03/31/2017 | Sara McLean |
The recent Modernism Week festival this spring showcased an array of Mid-century modern architecture and design projects. Dunn-Edwards participated in many of these, highlighting the best of color and design for Mid-century enthusiasts visiting the Palm Springs area.
Two properties introduced at the festival were Desert Eichler 4 and 5, developed by KUD Properties, Inc., the exclusive builder of Desert Eichler homes in the Palm Springs area. With careful thought and respect to the
history of Eichler properties, the team at KUD modernized the properties for today’s Palm Springs lifestyle, including maximizing view of the local mountains, adding high-end finishes, and providing sustainable products. Troy Kudlac, president of KUD Properties, Inc., noted that many original Joseph Eichler details remain integral to the updated plans — including the atriums, pitched rooflines and floor-to-ceiling windows.
Dunn-Edwards was proud to participate in the Desert Eichler 4 and 5 home projects, donating the paint
and advising on color selections. This included creating a custom color, which was documented as an historic Eichler color based on prior research done for the Then, Now & Forever® color collection launch.
To learn more, visit
Images shown with courtesy and permission of KUD Properties, Inc.