Porch And Floor



A bench in front of a building

Rejuvenate, transform and protect

This 100% acrylic formula is ideal for use on concrete and wood porches, patios, basements, walkways and stairs. It is engineered to protect surfaces from water damage, scuffing and the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Introducing PORCH & FLOOR Interior / Exterior Concrete & Wood Coating by Dunn-Edwards


Porch And Floor


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Masonry & Brick

How to prep & coat a concrete deck

Step 1: Check the weather

Apply when air temperature is 50°–90° F and relative humidity is below 85%. Do not paint outdoors if rain is expected within the next 24 hours.

Step 2: Determine coverage

Each gallon covers approximately 300–400 square feet of previously painted or smooth, bare surfaces, per coat. Coverage on rough or porous surfaces is approximately 200–300 square feet per gallon, per coat. For best appearance, apply two coats.

Step 3: Gather your tools

• Garden hose or pressure washer
• Bucket
• Roller with a long handle
• 3/8″ roller covers
• Trim brush
• Painter’s tape
• Scraper and wire brush or sander
• Plastic sheeting
• Protective gear, such as gloves and goggles

Step 4: Prepare the deck surface

Examine all surfaces for signs of loose concrete or any other issues, and repair them as needed. Cut or pull away any plants touching your deck. Cover plants and anything else near the deck with plastic sheeting or other material.

• For bare concrete Clean the surface with a concrete cleaner that is formulated to remove grease, mold and algae stains, mildew and ground-in dirt from the surface. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. After cleaning apply a citrus-based etching solution, following the directions on the label. This will help to promote adhesion, allowing for maximum penetration of the coating. Allow to dry, then wipe your fingers over the clean, dry surface. If you see any dust or powder on your fingers, repeat rinsing and scrubbing, then test it again.

• For previously coated concrete Use a wire brush or sander to remove any loose surface areas. If the painted surface is largely unsound, it may be necessary to scrape, sand or strip the surface. Rinse the deck thoroughly, then follow the directions above to clean and etch.

Step 5: Prime and paint metal parts

Your deck may have been built with metal parts (anchors, straps, footings). Prime and paint these areas with coatings appropriate for outdoor metal prior to coating the rest of the deck.

Step 6: Intermix the coating

PORCH & FLOOR Concrete & Wood Coating is self-priming on clean, sound surfaces, so no primer is needed. It is also ready to use, so do not thin. To ensure color uniformity, intermix all cans of the coating in a bucket, then stir thoroughly before applying.

Step 7: Coat your deck

Once your deck is clean and dry, it’s time to coat it. Keep a few rags on hand for spills or drips. Just like any painting project, cut in around the edges with a trim brush, then cover the large areas using a roller with a long handle so you can stand and move freely. Back-roll along the grain to help eliminate drips, runs, uneven coverage and surface puddles, and maintain a wet edge to minimize lap marks.

Following the direction of the concrete’s grain, coat a couple of feet at a time, working along the entire length to a natural break. Let it dry for a minimum of 4 hours, then recoat using the same method.

The second coat will even out the finish and the color will deepen and intensify. When the job is done, cleanup is easy with just soap and warm water.

Step 8: Enjoy your deck

Having armored your deck with a coating formulated to resist the sun’s UV rays, water damage and scuffing, you’ll enjoy your beautiful deck for years to come.

Porch and Floor Collection 8 colors

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Dunn-Edwards products are sold in 149 company stores and 90 dealers across Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico Kentucky, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.

How to videos

Our library of how-to videos addresses an array of painting topics, including color selection, prep, application and aftercare. Check it out - you never know what great tips you might find!