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The Coast

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 37 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Stucco Color Options: DE6190 Ball of String RL#RL#511
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE6048 Pine Cone RL#RL#546
Shutter Color Options: DE6048 Pine Cone RL#RL#546
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6048 Pine Cone RL#RL#546

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 751 Ash Gray.

Scheme 38 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Siding Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Fascia Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Trim Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Garage Door Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Stucco Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Trim Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Garage Door Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 771 Shaggy Barked.

Scheme 39 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Siding Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Fascia Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Trim Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Garage Door Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Stucco Color Options: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629
Trim Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Garage Door Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Front Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Shutter Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 718 Mesa Tan.

Scheme 40 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DEC761 Cochise RL#RL#605
Fascia Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Trim Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Garage Door Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Stucco Color Options: DEC762 Milkweed RL#RL#610
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Shutter Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 761 Cochise.

Scheme 41 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC768 Winter Lite RL#RL#640
Siding Color Options: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629
Fascia Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Trim Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Garage Door Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Stucco Color Options: DEW328 Pearl White RL#RL#042
Trim Color Options: DEC768 Winter Lite RL#RL#640
Garage Door Color Options: DEC768 Winter Lite RL#RL#640
Front Door Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657
Shutter Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 746 Apache Tan.

Scheme 42 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Siding Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Fascia Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Trim Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Garage Door Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Stucco Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Trim Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Front Door Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Shutter Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Notes: Shingle to be painted DEC 767 Riverbed.

Scheme 43 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Siding Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Fascia Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Trim Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Garage Door Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Stucco Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Trim Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Garage Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Front Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Shutter Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008

Notes: Shingle to be painted DE 6230 Center Ridge.

Scheme 44 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Siding Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DEC761 Cochise RL#RL#605
Trim Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Garage Door Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Front Door Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581
Shutter Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6207 Egyptian Sand.

Scheme 45 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Siding Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Fascia Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Trim Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Garage Door Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Stucco Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Trim Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Garage Door Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Front Door Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Shutter Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 747 Sahara.

Scheme 46 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Siding Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Trim Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Garage Door Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Front Door Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Shutter Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572

Scheme 47 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Siding Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Stucco Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Garage Door Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Front Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Shutter Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 755 Cocoa.

Scheme 48 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Siding Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Fascia Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Trim Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Garage Door Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Stucco Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Garage Door Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Front Door Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Shutter Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 752 Birchwood

Scheme 49 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Siding Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Fascia Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Trim Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Stucco Color Options: DE6190 Ball of String RL#RL#511
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Front Door Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Shutter Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 778 Boxwood.

Scheme 50 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Siding Color Options: DEC773 Heather RL#RL#665
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DE6232 Abstract White RL#RL#517
Trim Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Garage Door Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Front Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 773 Heather.

Scheme 51 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Siding Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Trim Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Garage Door Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Front Door Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Shutter Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 750 Bison Beige.

Scheme 52 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Siding Color Options: DEC711 Cliff Brown RL#RL#652
Fascia Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Trim Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Garage Door Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Stucco Color Options: DEC722 Baja White RL#RL#608
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Front Door Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657
Shutter Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC712 Briar RL#RL#657

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 711 Cliff Brown.

Scheme 53 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Stucco Color Options: DEC791 Cloud RL#RL#656
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 798 Taliesin Blue.

Scheme 54 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Fascia Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Trim Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Stucco Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Shutter Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 795 Gray Pearl.

Scheme 55 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Siding Color Options: DEC726 Adobe RL#RL#628
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Trim Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Garage Door Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 726 Adobe.

Scheme 56 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Siding Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Trim Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Front Door Color Options: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544
Shutter Color Options: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6034 Raisin in the Sun RL#RL#544

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6123 Trail Dust.

Scheme 57 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Siding Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Fascia Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Trim Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Garage Door Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Stucco Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Trim Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Garage Door Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Front Door Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587
Shutter Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 785 Whisper Gray.

Scheme 58 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Siding Color Options: DE6389 Fallen Rock RL#RL#595
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Trim Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Garage Door Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Front Door Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Shutter Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6389 Fallen Rock.

Scheme 59 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DE6341 Vulcan RL#RL#588
Stucco Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6341 Vulcan.

Scheme 60 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Fascia Color Options: DE6232 Abstract White RL#RL#517
Trim Color Options: DE6232 Abstract White RL#RL#517
Garage Door Color Options: DE6232 Abstract White RL#RL#517
Stucco Color Options: DE6232 Abstract White RL#RL#517
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Shutter Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6278 Stone Creek.

Scheme 61 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Siding Color Options: DEC715 Sandal RL#RL#672
Fascia Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Trim Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Garage Door Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Stucco Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Trim Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Shutter Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472

Notes: Shingle to be painted DEC 715 Sandal.

Scheme 62 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Siding Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Fascia Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Trim Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Garage Door Color Options: DEW324 Phoenix Villa RL#RL#022
Stucco Color Options: DEC747 Sahara RL#RL#634
Trim Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Shutter Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 759 Hickory.

Scheme 63 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555
Siding Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Trim Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Garage Door Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Stucco Color Options: DEC721 Slopes RL#RL#603
Trim Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555
Garage Door Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555
Front Door Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Shutter Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6117 Colorado Trail.

Scheme 64 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Fascia Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Trim Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Stucco Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Shutter Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 719 Coral Clay.

Scheme 65 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Siding Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DE6360 Foil RL#RL#535
Trim Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Garage Door Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Front Door Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587
Shutter Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6368 Walrus.

Scheme 66 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Siding Color Options: DE6388 Smoky Mountain RL#RL#539
Fascia Color Options: DE6389 Fallen Rock RL#RL#595
Trim Color Options: DE6389 Fallen Rock RL#RL#595
Garage Door Color Options: DE6389 Fallen Rock RL#RL#595
Stucco Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Trim Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Front Door Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Shutter Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6388 Smoky Mountain.

Scheme 67 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DE6074 Frontier Land RL#RL#550
Fascia Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Trim Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Garage Door Color Options: DEW309 Ajo Lily RL#RL#046
Stucco Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Shutter Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6074 Frontier Land

Scheme 68 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DE6333 Hamilton Blue RL#RL#587
Trim Color Options: DE6226 Foggy Day RL#RL#516
Fascia Color Options: DE6226 Foggy Day RL#RL#516
Garage Door Color Options: DE6226 Foggy Day RL#RL#516
Stucco Color Options: DE6358 Vapor RL#RL#535
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6333 Hamilton Blue.

Scheme 69 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Stucco Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#RL#571
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#RL#571
Trim Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Garage Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Front Door Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Shutter Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6221 FLintstone.

Scheme 70 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DE6327 Rhinoceros RL#RL#586
Stucco Color Options: DE6226 Foggy Day RL#RL#516
Fascia Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Trim Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Front Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Shutter Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6333 Hamilton Blue

Scheme 71 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW336 White Sand RL#RL#082
Siding Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Fascia Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Garage Door Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Stucco Color Options: DEC736 Flaxseed RL#RL#678
Garage Door Color Options: DEW336 White Sand RL#RL#082
Trim Color Options: DEW336 White Sand RL#RL#082
Shutter Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#RL#679
Front Door Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#RL#679
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#RL#679

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6144 Graham Cracker.

Scheme 72 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Siding Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555
Fascia Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Trim Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Garage Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Garage Door Color Options: DEC754 Quicksand RL#RL#669
Front Door Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Shutter Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6112 Cedar Chest.

Scheme 73 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Stucco Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Fascia Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Trim Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Garage Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Front Door Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Shutter Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEW 339 Bone China.

Scheme 74 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DE6164 Canary Island RL#RL#507
Stucco Color Options: DEW336 White Sand RL#RL#082
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Shutter Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5748 Loch Ness RL#RL#420

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6164 Canary Island.

Scheme 75 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Siding Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Stucco Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Trim Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Garage Door Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Front Door Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581
Shutter Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6293 Velvet Clover RL#RL#581

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEW 318 Cottage White.

Scheme 76 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Siding Color Options: DEC742 Cameo RL#RL#609
Fascia Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Trim Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Garage Door Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Stucco Color Options: DEC742 Cameo RL#RL#609
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Shutter Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 798 Taliesin Blue.

Scheme 77 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Siding Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Fascia Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Trim Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Garage Door Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Stucco Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Shutter Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEA183 Dark Shadows RL#RL#472

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 748 Oyster.

Scheme 78 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Stucco Color Options: DEC742 Cameo RL#RL#609
Fascia Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Trim Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Garage Door Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Front Door Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Shutter Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE5874 Deep Reservoir RL#RL#426

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 745 Chaparral.

Scheme 79 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DE6151 Warm Butterscotch RL#RL#561
Stucco Color Options: DEC725 Weathered Coral RL#RL#623
Fascia Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Trim Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Garage Door Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Shutter Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6151 Warm Butterscotch.

Scheme 80 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Trim Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696
Siding Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Fascia Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Garage Door Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Fascia Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696
Stucco Color Options: DEW341 Swiss Coffee RL#RL#008
Garage Door Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696
Trim Color Options: DEC798 Taliesin Blue RL#RL#691
Front Door Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Shutter Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654

Notes: Shingle to be painted DEW 341 Swiss Coffee.

Scheme 81 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Siding Color Options: DEC740 Sandcastle RL#RL#599
Trim Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Fascia Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549
Stucco Color Options: DEC744 Celtic Linen RL#RL#619
Trim Color Options: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Garage Door Color Options: DEC719 Coral Clay RL#RL#692
Front Door Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Shutter Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6014 Dark Chocolate RL#RL#541

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 740 Sandcastle.

Scheme 82 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Siding Color Options: DE6084 Roxy Brown RL#RL#551
Fascia Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Trim Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Garage Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Stucco Color Options: DEC746 Apache Tan RL#RL#629
Trim Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Garage Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Front Door Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Shutter Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEW318 Cottage White RL#RL#091

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6084 Roxy Brown.

Scheme 83 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Stucco Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Fascia Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Trim Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Garage Door Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Front Door Color Options: DEA189 Black River Falls RL#RL#478
Shutter Color Options: DEA189 Black River Falls RL#RL#478
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEA189 Black River Falls RL#RL#478

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 741 Bone White.

Scheme 84 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEC728 Madera RL#RL#638
Stucco Color Options: DEW323 Ivory Charm RL#RL#017
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690
Shutter Color Options: DEC778 Boxwood RL#RL#690

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 728 Madera.

Scheme 85 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Siding Color Options: DEC781 Sycamore Stand RL#RL#606
Stucco Color Options: DEC773 Heather RL#RL#665
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Garage Door Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Front Door Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Shutter Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584
Wrought Iron Color Options: DE6314 Dark Pewter RL#RL#584

Notes: Shingles to be painted DEC 781 Sycamore Stand.

Scheme 86 - The Coast:
Craftsman, Shingle, Cape Cod, Farm, Plantation, Country, Victorian/Elizabethan

Fascia Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Siding Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Fascia Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Trim Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Garage Door Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Front Door Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696
Shutter Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696
Wrought Iron Color Options: DEC799 Wharf View RL#RL#696

Notes: Shingles to be painted DE 6214 Pigeon Gray.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.