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Park Paseo - Irvine

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

New Scheme 1 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Siding Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Accent Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

New Scheme 2 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Siding Color Options: DE6125 Carved Wood RL#RL#557
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DE6028 Dark Ruby RL#RL#543

New Scheme 3 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Siding Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097
Accent Color Options: DEW339 Bone China RL#RL#097

New Scheme 4 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Siding Color Options: DE6138 Dark Sepia RL#RL#559
Trim Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557
Accent Color Options: DEA148 Sunken Ship RL#RL#437

New Scheme 5 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Siding Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Trim Color Options: DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558
Accent Color Options: DEA158 Northern Territory RL#RL#447

New Scheme 6 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Siding Color Options: DE6151 Warm Butterscotch RL#RL#561
Trim Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Accent Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476

New Scheme 7 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6193 Bamboo Screen RL#RL#567
Siding Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Trim Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Accent Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#RL#574

New Scheme 8 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Siding Color Options: DE6200 Handwoven RL#RL#568
Trim Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Accent Color Options: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570

New Scheme 9 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Siding Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Accent Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

New Scheme 10 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Siding Color Options: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Trim Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625
Accent Color Options: DEA002 Black RL#RL#476

New Scheme 11 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC761 Cochise RL#RL#605
Siding Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Trim Color Options: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570
Accent Color Options: DE6224 Treasure Chest RL#RL#571

New Scheme 12 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Siding Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Accent Color Options: DEC765 Bone RL#RL#625

New Scheme 13 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#RL#571
Siding Color Options: DE6222 Weather Board RL#RL#571
Trim Color Options: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Accent Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

New Scheme 14 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Siding Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Trim Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Accent Color Options: DE6385 Black Bean RL#RL#594

New Scheme 15 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6277 Pebble Walk RL#RL#579
Siding Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Trim Color Options: DEC785 Whisper Gray RL#RL#626
Accent Color Options: DEA176 Iron River RL#RL#465

New Scheme 16 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC774 Shady RL#RL#670
Siding Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Trim Color Options: DE6362 Storm Cloud RL#RL#591
Accent Color Options: DE6342 Blue Steel RL#RL#588

New Scheme 17 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6375 Castlerock RL#RL#593
Siding Color Options: DE6376 Looking Glass RL#RL#593
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

New Scheme 18 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6360 Foil RL#RL#535
Siding Color Options: DE6361 Baby Seal RL#RL#591
Trim Color Options: DE6358 Vapor RL#RL#535
Accent Color Options: DEA188 Black Bay RL#RL#477

New Scheme 19 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC721 Slopes RL#RL#603
Siding Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558
Accent Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639

New Scheme 20 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Siding Color Options: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570
Trim Color Options: DE6170 Rice Bowl RL#RL#508
Accent Color Options: DE6049 Chaps RL#RL#546

New Scheme 21 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6143 Almond Latte RL#RL#504
Siding Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Accent Color Options: DE6084 Roxy Brown RL#RL#551

New Scheme 22 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6241 Lunar Landing RL#RL#518
Siding Color Options: DE6243 Union Springs RL#RL#574
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DE6378 Jet RL#RL#593

New Scheme 23 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Siding Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#RL#569
Accent Color Options: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#RL#450

New Scheme 24 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Siding Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687
Trim Color Options: DEW343 Pearl Necklace RL#RL#018
Accent Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

New Scheme 25 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6193 Bamboo Screen RL#RL#567
Siding Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571
Trim Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Accent Color Options: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592

New Scheme 26 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655
Siding Color Options: DE6229 Calico Rock RL#RL#572
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

New Scheme 27 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6242 Wells Gray RL#RL#574
Siding Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574
Trim Color Options: DE6190 Ball of String RL#RL#511
Accent Color Options: DE6357 Black Tie RL#RL#590

New Scheme 28 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC786 Miner's Dust RL#RL#631
Siding Color Options: DE6368 Walrus RL#RL#592
Fascia Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DE6370 Charcoal Smudge RL#RL#592

New Scheme 29 - Park Paseo - Irvine:
New Approved Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC795 Gray Pearl RL#RL#676
Siding Color Options: DE6369 Legendary Gray RL#RL#592
Trim Color Options: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Accent Color Options: DEA149 Spiced Berry RL#RL#438

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.