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Ironwood Meadows HOA

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Phase I: Jessy Lane & Nestled Desert Place - Ironwood Meadows HOA:
Approved Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE5186 Secluded Canyon RL#RL#387
Main Body Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Main Body Color Options: DE6103 Copper Lake RL#RL#554
Main Body Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Main Body Color Options: DE6104 Chic Brick RL#RL#554
Main Body Color Options: DEC718 Mesa Tan RL#RL#687

Notes: *Stucco (body) colors: Although the approved colors are for a specific phase, the exterior stucco colors are available for any home regardless of the phase your home is in.

Phase II: Ironwood Meadows Drive & Ironwood Meadows Place - Ironwood Meadows HOA:
Approved Color Palette

Main Body Color Options: DE6075 Wood Lake RL#RL#550
Main Body Color Options: DE5214 Tawny Amber RL#RL#389
Main Body Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Main Body Color Options: DE6184 Sailcloth RL#RL#510
Main Body Color Options: DEC704 Moenkopi Tan RL#RL#617

Notes: *Stucco (body) colors: Although the approved colors are for a specific phase, the exterior stucco colors are available for any home regardless of the phase your home is in.

Wood Trim & Gates - Ironwood Meadows HOA:
Approved Color Palette

Sample Not Available
Exterior Wood Stains for All Homes - OKON Bednar Oxford Brown stain color : Please note: There is no color sample to view for the Bednar Oxford Brown stain color. Please use this formula when ordering your stain. Formula: 08-24, 12-10, 13-24. R Base. This is for one gallon of stain.
Sample Not Available
Exterior Wood Stains for All Homes - OKON Bordeaux stain color : Please note: There is no sample color to view for Bordeaux stain color. Please use this formula when ordering your stain. Formula: 04-1Y42, 08-18.906, 09-2Y17.812, 13-34.844, 14-1.406. W Base. This is for one gallon of stain.
Sample Not Available
Exterior Wood Stains for All Homes - OKON Cedar Bark stain color : Please note: There is no color sample to view for Cedar Bark stain color. Please use this formula when ordering your stain. Formula: 01-4Y0, 07-2Y33, 13-9, 14-27. U Base. This is for one gallon of stain.
Sample Not Available
Exterior Wood Stains for All Homes - OKON Gatehouse stain color : Please note: There is no color sample to view for Gatehouse stain color. Please use this formula when ordering your stain. Formula: 04-46, 08-5.1, 14-2Y16, 13-3. W Base. This is for one gallon of stain.

Notes: *Except for those in Phase II homes, the wood trim & gates MUST be stained using 1 of the 4 approved stain colors. *Phase II ONLY: You may stain the wood trim & gates or they can be painted 1 of the 3 approved paint colors for Phase II ONLY. Stain formulas are on file @ the Oracle Dunn-Edwards store.

Optional Exterior Trim Paint Colors for Phase II - Ironwood Meadows HOA:
Approved Color Palette

Trim Color Options: DE5054 Candied Apple RL#RL#383
Trim Color Options: DE5732 Teal Me No Lies RL#RL#175
Trim Color Options: DE5865 Safe Harbor RL#RL#182

Notes: *Phase II ONLY

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.