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Cameray Pointe HOA

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Building 1,4,7,9,13 - Cameray Pointe HOA:
Cameray Pointe Exterior Colors

Building Stucco, Trash Enclosure walls, Garage Doors on unit D: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Garage Doors - Unit B & C: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Garage Doors on Unit A, Front Doors on Unit B, Shutters, Eaves & Fascia: DET628 Charcoal Sketch RL#RL#925
All Window Trim, Opera Balconies, Garage Doors on Unit A,C,D: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003

Buildings 2,6,10,11,14 - Cameray Pointe HOA:
Cameray Pointe Exterior Colors

Building Stucco Walls: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Trash Enclosure Walls, Garage Doors on Unit D, : DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Garage Doors on Unit B & C: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Garage Doors on Unit A, Front Doors on Unit B, Shutters: DEA148 Sunken Ship RL#RL#437
Front Doors on Unit A,C,D, Window Trim, Opera Balconies: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Eaves & Fascia: DET628 Charcoal Sketch RL#RL#925

Buildings 3,5,8,12,15 - Cameray Pointe HOA:
Cameray Pointe Exterior Colors

Building Walls, Trash Enclosures, Garage Doors on Unit D: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Garage Doors on Units B,C: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Garage Doors on Unit A, Front Doors on Unit B: DE6272 Dried Chive RL#RL#578
Front Door on Unit A,C,D, Window Trim, Opera Balconies: DEW340 Whisper RL#RL#003
Eaves, Fascia: DET628 Charcoal Sketch RL#RL#925

Pool House - Cameray Pointe HOA:
Cameray Pointe Exterior Colors

Lower 1/2, Columns: DE6215 Wooden Peg RL#RL#570
Upper 1/2: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Eaves, Fascia: DET628 Charcoal Sketch RL#RL#925

Front Entry - Cameray Pointe HOA:
Cameray Pointe Exterior Colors

Front Entry Stucco Walls, Stucco Key Pad: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Vehicle & Pedestrian Gates: DET628 Charcoal Sketch RL#RL#925

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.