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Quail Creek

Welcome to your property management HOA paint color library. Browse the following approved paint colors to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your community and ensure that all homes are in compliance with the established guidelines.

Scheme 1 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC726 Adobe RL#RL#628
Pop-out Color Options: DEC726 Adobe RL#RL#628
Trim Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Fascia Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Front Door Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Garage Door Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 2 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6143 Almond Latte RL#RL#504
Trim Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Fascia Color Options: DE6147 Chester Brown RL#RL#560
Front Door Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451
Garage Door Color Options: DE6147 Chester Brown RL#RL#560

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 3 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC751 Ash Gray RL#RL#654
Pop-out Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Trim Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Front Door Color Options: DEA160 Hope Chest RL#RL#449
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 4 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Pop-out Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Front Door Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 5 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Pop-out Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Trim Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Fascia Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Front Door Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 6 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Pop-out Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Trim Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Fascia Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550
Front Door Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571
Garage Door Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 7 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC723 Champagne RL#RL#613
Trim Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Fascia Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557
Front Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Garage Door Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 8 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Pop-out Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Trim Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Fascia Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Front Door Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557
Garage Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 9 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Pop-out Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Trim Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Fascia Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Front Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Garage Door Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 10 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Fascia Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Front Door Color Options: DE6084 Roxy Brown RL#RL#551
Garage Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 11 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Pop-out Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Trim Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Front Door Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 12 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Pop-out Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Fascia Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556
Front Door Color Options: DE6322 Black Lead RL#RL#585
Garage Door Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 13 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Front Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Garage Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 14 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Fascia Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Front Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Garage Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 15 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Pop-out Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Fascia Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555
Garage Door Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 16 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Pop-out Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Trim Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Fascia Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Front Door Color Options: DE6210 Midnight Brown RL#RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 17 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Trim Color Options: DE6214 Pigeon Gray RL#RL#570
Fascia Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550
Front Door Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#RL#679
Garage Door Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 18 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Pop-out Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Fascia Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Front Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 19 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6156 Marble Dust RL#RL#506
Trim Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Front Door Color Options: DEC756 Weathered Brown RL#RL#679
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 20 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Trim Color Options: DE6383 Bank Vault RL#RL#594
Fascia Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Front Door Color Options: DE6383 Bank Vault RL#RL#594
Garage Door Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 21 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Pop-out Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Trim Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Fascia Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Front Door Color Options: DE6322 Black Lead RL#RL#585
Garage Door Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 22 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Garage Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 23 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Pop-out Color Options: DEC748 Oyster RL#RL#639
Trim Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Garage Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 24 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC757 Rincon Cove RL#RL#684
Pop-out Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEC757 Rincon Cove RL#RL#684
Fascia Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Front Door Color Options: DE6133 Old Boot RL#RL#558
Garage Door Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 25 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Pop-out Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Fascia Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574
Front Door Color Options: DEA159 Rich Mocha RL#RL#448

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 26 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Pop-out Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Trim Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Fascia Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Front Door Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550
Garage Door Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 27 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6129 Rustic Taupe RL#RL#502
Trim Color Options: DE6221 Flintstone RL#RL#571
Fascia Color Options: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#RL#450
Front Door Color Options: DEA159 Rich Mocha RL#RL#448
Garage Door Color Options: DEA161 Wild Mustang RL#RL#450

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 28 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Trim Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Trim Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#RL#574
Garage Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 29 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6374 Silver Polish RL#RL#537
Trim Color Options: DE6375 Castlerock RL#RL#593
Fascia Color Options: DE6376 Looking Glass RL#RL#593
Garage Door Color Options: DE6375 Castlerock RL#RL#593

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 30 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC721 Slopes RL#RL#603
Pop-out Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550
Fascia Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571
Front Door Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550
Garage Door Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 31 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Pop-out Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6021 Outer Boundary RL#RL#542
Garage Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 32 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Pop-out Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 33 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Pop-out Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Trim Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 34 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Trim Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Front Door Color Options: DEA186 Black Pearl RL#RL#475
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 35 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Trim Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Fascia Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Front Door Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#RL#545
Garage Door Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 36 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Trim Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Front Door Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 37 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Fascia Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693
Front Door Color Options: DE6062 Tea Bag RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DEC739 Golden Gate RL#RL#693

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 38 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Front Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579
Garage Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 39 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Trim Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Fascia Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Front Door Color Options: DEA176 Iron River RL#RL#465
Garage Door Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 40 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Pop-out Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Trim Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 41 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Pop-out Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Trim Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 42 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Pop-out Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Trim Color Options: DEC767 Riverbed RL#RL#635
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 43 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Pop-out Color Options: DE6208 Tuscan Mosaic RL#RL#569
Fascia Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Trim Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 44 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6151 Warm Butterscotch RL#RL#561
Trim Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Fascia Color Options: DE6152 Maple View RL#RL#561
Front Door Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#RL#569
Garage Door Color Options: DE6152 Maple View RL#RL#561

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 45 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC725 Weathered Coral RL#RL#623
Trim Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Fascia Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#RL#569
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Garage Door Color Options: DE6209 Rock 'n' Oak RL#RL#569

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 46 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Fascia Color Options: DEC741 Bone White RL#RL#604
Front Door Color Options: DE6385 Black Bean RL#RL#594
Garage Door Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 47 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DEC757 Rincon Cove RL#RL#684
Trim Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Fascia Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Front Door Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Garage Door Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 48 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Trim Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Fascia Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620
Front Door Color Options: DEC750 Bison Beige RL#RL#649
Garage Door Color Options: DEC764 Inside Passage RL#RL#620

Notes: Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 49 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6180 New Cork RL#RL#565
Fascia Color Options: DE6196 Covered Wagon RL#RL#567

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 50 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Pop-out Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Fascia Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Garage Door Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 51 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6194 Natural Bridge RL#RL#567
Fascia Color Options: DE6322 Black Lead RL#RL#585

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 52 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6123 Trail Dust RL#RL#557
Pop-out Color Options: DEC758 Cashmere RL#RL#689
Fascia Color Options: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592
Front Door Color Options: DE6371 BlackJack RL#RL#592

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 53 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Pop-out Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Fascia Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Front Door Color Options: DE6118 Sandpit RL#RL#556
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 54 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Fascia Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 55 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Fascia Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 56 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC753 Almond RL#RL#664
Pop-out Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572
Fascia Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Front Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553
Garage Door Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 57 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6198 Cream Wave RL#RL#512
Fascia Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 58 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6077 Deep Brown RL#RL#550
Garage Door Color Options: DE6223 Mission Trail RL#RL#571

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 59 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC717 Baked Potato RL#RL#682
Fascia Color Options: DE6385 Black Bean RL#RL#594

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 60 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Fascia Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Garage Door Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 61 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6131 Teddy Bear RL#RL#558
Fascia Color Options: DE6048 Pine Cone RL#RL#546

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 62 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC743 High Noon RL#RL#614
Fascia Color Options: DE6112 Cedar Chest RL#RL#555

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 63 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Fascia Color Options: DE6230 Center Ridge RL#RL#572

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 64 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Fascia Color Options: DE6061 River Rocks RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 65 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Pop-out Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Fascia Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Garage Door Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 66 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6130 Wooded Acre RL#RL#558
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 67 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Trim Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 68 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC720 Cliff's View RL#RL#598
Fascia Color Options: DE6126 Stockhorse RL#RL#557

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 69 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6145 Rocky Ridge RL#RL#560
Pop-out Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Fascia Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Garage Door Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 70 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC745 Chaparral RL#RL#624
Fascia Color Options: DE6061 River Rocks RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 71 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6206 Desert Suede RL#RL#513
Fascia Color Options: DE6377 Boat Anchor RL#RL#593

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 72 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6179 Oak Harbor RL#RL#565
Fascia Color Options: DE6042 Bear in Mind RL#RL#545

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 73 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Fascia Color Options: DE6076 Wandering Road RL#RL#550

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 74 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Fascia Color Options: DE6013 Amazing Amethyst RL#RL#541

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 75 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6128 Sand Dune RL#RL#502
Fascia Color Options: DE6278 Stone Creek RL#RL#579

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 76 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 77 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6213 Fine Grain RL#RL#514
Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 78 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Pop-out Color Options: DEC760 Desert Gray RL#RL#600
Fascia Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574
Garage Door Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 79 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Fascia Color Options: DE6098 Burns Cave RL#RL#553

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 80 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6191 Exclusive Ivory RL#RL#511
Fascia Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 81 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Fascia Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 82 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6108 English Scone RL#RL#499
Fascia Color Options: DE6068 Cobblestone Path RL#RL#549

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 83 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC738 Travertine RL#RL#688
Pop-out Color Options: DE6116 Dover Plains RL#RL#556
Trim Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 84 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6129 Rustic Taupe RL#RL#502
Fascia Color Options: DE6132 Big Stone Beach RL#RL#558

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 85 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6117 Colorado Trail RL#RL#556
Pop-out Color Options: DE6150 Gourmet Honey RL#RL#505
Trim Color Options: DEC753 Almond RL#RL#664
Fascia Color Options: DE6083 Badlands Sunset RL#RL#551
Front Door Color Options: DE6097 Monterey Brown RL#RL#553

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 86 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC773 Heather RL#RL#665

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 87 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Fascia Color Options: DEC771 Shaggy Barked RL#RL#655

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 88 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC772 Navajo White RL#RL#660
Fascia Color Options: DEA163 Rodeo RL#RL#452

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 89 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6185 Light Aspiration RL#RL#510
Fascia Color Options: DE6244 Smoky Forest RL#RL#574

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 90 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Fascia Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 91 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6212 Crisp Muslin RL#RL#514
Fascia Color Options: DE6200 Handwoven RL#RL#568

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 92 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DEW351 Antique White RL#RL#058
Fascia Color Options: DE6111 S'mores RL#RL#555

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 93 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6108 English Scone RL#RL#499
Fascia Color Options: DE6216 Barrel Stove RL#RL#570

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 94 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6142 Floating Feather RL#RL#504
Fascia Color Options: DE6192 Nomadic Taupe RL#RL#511

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 95 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Stucco Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Fascia Color Options: DE6069 Bannister Brown RL#RL#549

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 96 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6203 Essential Brown RL#RL#568
Garage Door Color Options: DE6203 Essential Brown RL#RL#568
Stucco Color Options: DEC728 Madera RL#RL#638
Shutter Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Front Door Color Options: DE6231 Shaker Gray RL#RL#572
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DE6203 Essential Brown RL#RL#568

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 97 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Stucco Color Options: DE6177 Thatched Roof RL#RL#509
Shutter Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 98 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Stucco Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Shutter Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6135 Verona Beach RL#RL#503
Trim Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 99 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Garage Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Stucco Color Options: DE6171 Sand Dollar RL#RL#508
Shutter Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#RL#574
Front Door Color Options: DE6245 Aged Jade RL#RL#574
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 100 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Garage Door Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509
Stucco Color Options: DE6137 Tan Plan RL#RL#559
Shutter Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Front Door Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DE6178 Boutique Beige RL#RL#509

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 101 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Garage Door Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549
Stucco Color Options: DEC716 Stonish Beige RL#RL#677
Shutter Color Options: DE6098 Burns Cave RL#RL#553
Front Door Color Options: DE6098 Burns Cave RL#RL#553
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6124 Whole Wheat RL#RL#557
Trim Color Options: DE6070 Chocolate Chunk RL#RL#549

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 102 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE5327 Ghost Town RL#RL#396
Garage Door Color Options: DE5327 Ghost Town RL#RL#396
Stucco Color Options: DE6179 Oak Harbor RL#RL#565
Shutter Color Options: DE6203 Essential Brown RL#RL#568
Front Door Color Options: DE6203 Essential Brown RL#RL#568
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6172 Bungalow Taupe RL#RL#564
Trim Color Options: DE5327 Ghost Town RL#RL#396

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 103 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Garage Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Stucco Color Options: DEC759 Hickory RL#RL#694
Shutter Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Front Door Color Options: DE6035 Lynx RL#RL#544
Stucco Accent Color Options: DEC752 Birchwood RL#RL#659
Trim Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 104 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451
Garage Door Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451
Stucco Color Options: DEC723 Champagne RL#RL#613
Shutter Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Front Door Color Options: DE6217 Ancient Earth RL#RL#570
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6199 Pale Beach RL#RL#512
Trim Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 105 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556
Garage Door Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556
Stucco Color Options: DE6136 Terracotta Sand RL#RL#503
Shutter Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451
Front Door Color Options: DEA162 Log Cabin RL#RL#451
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6144 Graham Cracker RL#RL#560
Trim Color Options: DE6119 Neutral Valley RL#RL#556

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

Scheme 106 - Quail Creek:
Approved Paint Color Schemes

Fascia Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Garage Door Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674
Stucco Color Options: DE6205 Stucco Tan RL#RL#513
Shutter Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Front Door Color Options: DE6063 Black Walnut RL#RL#548
Stucco Accent Color Options: DE6207 Egyptian Sand RL#RL#569
Trim Color Options: DEC755 Cocoa RL#RL#674

Notes: *NOTE: Colors have been updated to the nearest Perfect Palette color and may not be an exact match. These colors are not recommended for touch-ups; complete repaints only. Only flat paint is allowed on stucco.

If you are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, please contact your Board of Directors or Management Company.